H-E-B Assailed by Anti-Maskers

The Houston Chronicle reports that employees at the iconic Texas grocery store chain H-E-B are being harassed by anti-maskers to the point where they are afraid to enforce company policy. Threats of violence and bogus claims regarding personal liberty are being used by the lunatic anti-masking fringe to bully employees into letting unmasked shoppers run free.

Here is Red’s take. You don’t want to wear a mask – fine. But any business has the right to protect its employees and other customers from your stupidity. Go shop at the most right-wing, anti-science and foolish grocery store that you can find. You have no right to shop at H-E-B or anywhere else for that matter if you don’t want to follow their rules as long as such rules do not run afoul of laws designed to protect against discrimination on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, age, disability, etc. Your right to not wear a mask is not constitutionally protected activity. Compelling you to wear a mask inside a business establishment that you do not own is not a violation of your constitutional rights. If you refuse to wear a mask and then berate employees that are doing their best to follow company policy in the face of an out-of-control pandemic, there is just one word for you. Asshole!

Moreover, there are other options for you. Red shops at H-E-B and they have staff that will fill your order for you and bring it to your car. Or like Red mentioned, go find a Proud Boys store and get your red meat there.

4 thoughts on “H-E-B Assailed by Anti-Maskers

  1. A breath of fresh air

    So asserting personal rights to breathe air freely is now considered “bullying”?
    You would be okie doke with the store requiring you arrive naked, or submitting to an anal exam? Neither are constitutionally protected areas either…
    You’re a tard.


    1. Red from Texas Post author

      No one is challenging your personal right to breathe fresh air. H-E-B is enforcing a policy that is embraced by scientists worldwide to protect its employees and patrons and yes “tards” like Red. Red knows of no scientific basis for requiring anal exams before naked shopping and would not patronize any establishment with those policies. Red strongly encourages you to go shop somewhere else where you and other Trump Voters can breathe in COVID to your heart’s desire. Red is all for self-culling of the herd – just don’t expect others to stand by while you take them down with you.


  2. Pingback: Texas blog roundup for the week of December 14 – Off the Kuff

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