President Joe Biden

Despite it being such a common name, the USA has never had a President Joe (or Joseph). In fact, other than Biden and Joe Lieberman (who could forget Joementum!) Red can’t recall another serious presidential candidate named Joe. In fact, who was the most famous political Joe until Biden – the alcoholic, womanizing, deceitful, corrupt piece of shit Joe McCarthy.

It’s high time for Joe to be something more than the representation of the common man – as in Average Joe, GI Joe, Joe Public, Joe Six-Pack or the slightly more upper class Joe College. A recent article even pointed out that we don’t even have movie stars named Joe. Has there been a major leading man since Joseph Cotton? Okay, Joe Pesci but is that our avatar? Rock and Roll is not so elitist with Joe Walsh, Joe Cocker, Joe Strummer, Joe Perry, Joe Jackson etc. It’s the same for the sports world with starts like Joe Montana, Joe Louis, Joe DiMaggio, Shoeless Joe, Joe Theisman and many more.

But now we have President Joe. It’s about damn time.

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