Cornyn Speaks – Red Translates

Sen. John Cornyn (Trumpian -Texas) gave his explanation for voting against a War Powers Resolution seeking to limit the ability of Trumph – the Insult Comic President –  to use authorization from 2001 to start a war with Iran.  The measure passed in the House and Senate, but Trump has vowed to veto it.

What I read this resolution (worthless piece of paper) to do is to try to tie the president’s hands (Lord knows we can’t keep him from grabbing Iran  – or anything else for that matter – by the pussy because he’s a star).  We’ve (me and the other spineless Trump sycophants) all seen enough of how Congress operates (money talks, bullshit walks) to say that Congress (meaning those despicable Democrats) doesn’t operate with the necessary efficiency (unless motivated by fraud, graft and corruption) to deal with a national security crisis (either real or made up to enhance Trump’s re-election chances) particularly involved in self-defense (or more importantly something that might affect my re-election).

1 thought on “Cornyn Speaks – Red Translates

  1. Pingback: Texas blog roundup for the week of February 17 – Off the Kuff

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